Heineken Challenges Stereotypes: Video Games as a Social and Community Activity

Heineken challenges stereotypes

Heineken challenges stereotypes of the world of video games in its first major campaign dedicated to gamers.

«Just Another Night Out»

The beer brand celebrates the community spirit that exists in online gaming, debunking the notion that it is a solitary pastime. Its advertising film, titled «Just Another Night Out» tells the story of Alex and three friends who plan to hang out together in the Brazilian city of São Paulo.

Photo: Adweek

Through text messages, the group organizes to meet up that night. But instead of gathering at a bar, they connect online to play together. The global campaign is launched in Brazil, one of the world’s largest gaming markets, where 88% of the population plays video games on some type of device.

Limited edition bottle

The campaign includes several game activations, including «In-Game Bars» that offer coupons for Heineken products within 2,700 mobile games, as well as a «beer pairing» experience in partnership with São Paulo supermarket chain St. Marche. Through a limited edition Heineken bottle with a QR code, players can find matches based on their favorite type of game. The brand will also partner with streaming platform Twitch and TikTok for a series of game challenges.

Heineken challenges stereotypes of the world of video games in its first major campaign dedicated to gamers.

Photo: The Drum

Creativity and innovation are the stars of Heineken’s campaign. Le Pub, Publicis Groupe’s creative shop, developed the campaign through its gaming and innovation division, Le Garage. Frederic Planchon directed the film through production company Academy Films.

Heineken challenges stereotypes

Eduardo Picarelli, director of Heineken’s business unit in Brazil, expressed that the goal of the campaign is to demystify the image of the isolated gamer from friends. Socialization is both the core of the brand and the gaming community. With this campaign, Heineken breaks with misconceptions and bets on gaming as a social and community pastime.

In conclusion, Heineken has shown that video games don’t have to be a solitary activity, but rather an opportunity to connect with friends and enjoy a cold beer together. The brand has created an attractive and innovative campaign that resonates with the gaming audience and demonstrates its commitment to staying ahead of trends and its consumers’ interests.